Working for Peace on Earth and Peace with Earth since 1952
Working for Peace on Earth and Peace with Earth since 1952
Twitter gets the attention of media and political leaders
If you don’t have an account start one at
All you need to set it up is an email (or a cellphone that accepts text) and some information:
Your first and last name, an email and date of birth
You’ll have to verify the email (by responding to their email)
Twitter gives you a user name based on the name you gave it. So if you enter John Smith you may get @jsmith493.
You'll need to create a password (Write it down somewhere.)
Twitter Vocabulary:
Username – starts with the @ sign. No spaces Example: @ctclimate @BillMcKibben @NYTimes
Tweet – is your message, the limit is 140 characters, but if you add a picture or video that doesn’t add to your count
Twitter feed – your messages (tweets) and those of people you choose to “follow”
Retweet – to put someone else’s tweet on your twitter feed. It can be simply a duplication of their tweet or you might add your comment to their tweet
Hashtag – a slogan, phrase or a name. It starts with a number sign (#) and includes no spaces. Example: #NoKXL #FamiliesBelongTogether #WhyNotCT Hashtags are used because they can be searched easily inside of Twitter
Do follow our twitter feed: @ctclimate
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