Working for Peace on Earth and Peace with Earth since 1952
Working for Peace on Earth and Peace with Earth since 1952
Journalists and Media
Reporters these days like you to tweet to them.
Example of a Tweet:
Activists of C3M furious that Lamont's DEEP would approve another step in building of dangerous Killingly fracked gas plant @Reporter_Savino @WNPR @News12CT@hearstcmg @PaulJBass
Reporters can see who is trying to alert them by checking tweets that have their "username".
Hanna Mordoh @HannaMordoh
Ali Warshavsky (@Ali_Warshavsky)
WFSB Morning Team (@WFSBMorningTeam)
Marissa Alter (@MarissaAlter)
reporter for News 12 CT
Keith Phaneuf (@CTMirrorKeith)
steven goode (@townnewsguy)
Courtney Zieller (@courtneyzieller)
WFSB report (Channel 3)
Mike Savino (@Reporter_Savino)
WFSB report (Channel3)
Irene O'Connor
WFSB report (Channel3)
Frankie Graziano
reporter for WNPR
the station itself
Dan Corcoran
Invetigative Reporter NBC CT
Connecticut Mirror
Connecticut Post
WTNH News 8
Hearst CT Media Grp.
Ken Dixon (@KenDixonCT)
CT Mirror staff
email and twitter
New Haven Indy (@newhavenindy)
New Haven Independent
Paul Bass (@PaulJBass)
Editor New Haven Indepent
New Haven Indy (@newhavenindy)
James Walker (@thelieonroars)
Luther Turmelle (@LutherTurmelle)
Journalist New Haven Register
Helen I. Bennett (@newsgirlct)
Hartford Courant (@hartfordcourant)
Dave Altimari (@davealtimari)
Investigative reporter Hartford Courant
Kathleen McWilliams (@kgmcwilliams)
reporter Hartford Ct
Stephen Singer (@SteveSinger10)
Business reporter Hartford Courant
David Owens (@daowens)
reporter Hartford Courant
Shawn McFarland (@McFarland_Shawn)
Kathleen Megan (@kathymegan)
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