Working for Peace on Earth and Peace with Earth since 1952
Working for Peace on Earth and Peace with Earth since 1952
1. New members get a free gift a choice of: metal water bottle adorned with PEP sticker, or a large jute (not plastic) carrying bag (pick them up at a PEP event)
2. You can participate in members-only conference calls with distinguished activists.
We've spoken with (the late) Joel Kovel, ecologist, former psychiatrist and professor, author of "The Enemy of Nature?", Bishop John Selders of Moral Mondays, Chris Williams from "System Change Not Climate Change" and Dan Labotz.
3. Membership in our members-only listserv. Discuss idea, give notice of events. Let PEP leadership know what's important to you.
4. Take part in these mailing lists: All-out-4-the-climate, and Against Racism and Police Brutality
5. Ability to help out with our projects and projects of our close partners like:
Our Gandhi Peace Award ceremonies and Mark Shafer lecture, and BDS work
To join PEP right now select your gift (or no gift) and click "Buy Now"
Send a $20 check made out to "Promoting Enduring Peace". Mail to
Promoting Enduring Peace
39 Goodrich St.
New Haven, CT 06517
(on the check add a note: for membership renewal)
You can renew via Paypal, or check
To renew as a "Supporting Member" click on "Buy Now" or scroll down for information on sending a check.
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