Working for Peace on Earth and Peace with Earth since 1952
Working for Peace on Earth and Peace with Earth since 1952
Click here for details about the bill
Click here for petition calling for governor to take action
Click here for video about an all-electric powered lawn care company
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Part 1: Science and Politics of Global Climate Disruption - Brian Tokar
Part 2: Genuine Hope in the Fight for the Climate
Part 3: In the Q and A: Constitutional Amendments to Protect the Climate and More
The lecture was held on September 14 in the Unitarian Society of New Haven
Anas Arafat interviewed on 9-1-2024. (17 minutes) He and his family of five are once again living indoors. Anas speaks about everyday conditions, what people do for water, for minimal amounts of electricity, etc. He explains how lack of insulin and medicines for his eyes is harming his body. Anas works for the group "Plant the Land" in and around Gaza City. The group was working on helping Palestinians be more self-sufficient and vegan but since Oct. 7 is helping distribute basic supplies. Stanley Heller is the interviewer.
To help his work
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SPECIAL for 2024. Become a Supporter and we'll send $15 to a charity helping Palestinians.
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write to
from the piece, " Sweeping measures are surely coming, but they could be what some call eco-fascism, hysteria about so-called “overpopulation” of
non-whites and immigrant “invasions” resulting in ever more walls and ever more murders of climate migrants. There are alternatives: declaring a “climate emergency” that would allow nullification of government deals with corporations that have systematically hid the effects of their emissions, completely ending the fossil fuel subsidies, rationing of fossil fuels use (and other burned fuels such as trash and biomass), ending the use of fossil fuels for lawn care, and keeping the saw away from as many mature trees as possible. "
Click here to read the entire opinion piece on SF Gate, the second largest newspaper site in California
Getting rid of fossil fuels is not enough
We work to prevent war, to support the oppressed and to prevent the destruction of the Earth whether from CO2, hyper-development or nuclear waste
Germany has announced that it no longer needs to import Russia natural gas or coal, BUT the U.S. is still importing uranium from Russia. We 15,000 say this is outrageous!!! The USSC has called for a campaign about this and Promoting Enduring Peace is happy to host their petition. Click here to see details and link to the petition
peace activists, climate emergency, anti-nuclear activists, climate collapse, 2030, rationing, rewilding, internationalists, anti-fascists, human rights, democracy, direct action, rise up, abolish nuclear weapons, Palestine, Ukraine, Syria, Russia, renewable, , workers, unions, the Left, liberation, vegan, decolonize, SOREs, electricity
For more about what we do and our history click here
Ask your governor, mayors, local colleges and school board to get rid of the gas-engines on the land they own. Details on how to get rid of those SOREs
Our bigger climate ideas were outlined in a 12/2 opinion peace by PEP Administrator Stanley Heller in the CT Hearst newspapers. Click here for the article in the New Haven Register.
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Articles by PEP leaders in the media such as this one calling for cancellation of the Bridgeport methane power plant
Promoting Enduring Peace
39 Goodrich St., New Haven, CT
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